The Best is “Here” to Come

        Out of the millions of sperm cells that swam and raced towards the egg cell, who won and became a human? It’s you! Yes you, the person who is reading this post right now. You were chosen to live this life. Therefore you are one hell of a lucky person! God calls you to live, learn, and do what you are intended to do. That’s how you live a good life!

A bad way of living life involves this:

Birth —> Childhood —> Graduate —> Job —> Death
“Living life without getting to do something memorable”

       So do you want to live a life like this? Certainly not! Cause we were born to live a life with a “Purpose”. . . Wait what? What is a life of purpose anyway? Let us look at a man’s life who was known but sometimes forgotten.

      He was born and raised in a poor family, yet he never complained a single bit. He lived a life of contentment. He helped his father as an assistant carpenter to be able to raise for a living. Deep inside him is a man of full understanding of his earthly purpose. A good evidence of it is when he was a child, during the time wherein he was to be presented to the temple. His parents lost sight of him and was blaming each other for the loss, they retraced their steps back and found their child on the temple surrounded by elders listening to his words. He grew up and reached 30 years old, He went on a journey to fulfill his mission, he taught about life, he taught about leadership, he taught about God, he taught about any other things, he healed the sick through faith and many others. He straightened the paths of the people who were going to the wrong direction. Although some people hated him for they were envious of what he is doing. They even put him to death, well it was a death that he freely accepted. But even at the verge of dying he continued his mission. What a great man this person could be! Well, do you know this guy? Yes you do. He’s

Jesus Christ”

He lived and acted as human, although He was divine for He was the chosen one, but His ways was simply and purely human. Although He did miracles, but it was done to test one’s faith for some other people never believed unless they see. This is how we should live our lives even if we don’t have the power to do miracles but, we have the power to fulfill our purpose.

Here are the things we need to consider to live a life of “Purpose”:

  • Learning to be contented at every circumstances
    Example: Jesus at his early childhood years, he never had complained about his way of living.
  • Finding out your own strengths
    Example: Jesus had the chance to discover about his strength when he preached about God in front of elders.
  • Develop your strengths and use it to do what is beneficial to all
    Example: Jesus at 30 years old did his best to form a ministry, he taught and inspired people, thus fulfilling his mission.
  • Continue living up to your purpose despite all hindrances
    Example: When Jesus was doing his mission, the pharisees and other people mocked and even tried to find faults against him.
  • Serving the purpose up to your last breath
    Example: When Jesus was hanging on the cross, although limited Jesus still continues to do his mission by reconciling a lost sheep by telling him to believe that God is there up to the end.

This is the best way to live a life of purpose, it is not only beneficial to the people but also to you. People I tell you to stop thinking that your life is just a normal cycle. No! It’s a building ready to be built into something amazing! Now go find you purpose and believe in it! Because. . .

“You are the best that is HERE in this world to come!”

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