Happiness can change in many forms, don’t let go move with it

            Happiness is a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. It simply meant being happy it is the feeling joyous and contentment. Happiness is brought by so many sources, happiness is never constant. It changes from time to time. Some people fail at seeing the perspective that everything in this world changes, thus they’ll be left behind. Time runs over everything it changes everything, people who stay with their so found happiness will find it hard to move forward if their happiness will change into something new. Imagine yourself as a rat, and you’ve been searching for cheese, you hoard them, and then all of a sudden it was gone, moved and changed will you whine and moan about it? It wouldn’t be a good idea because it would waste time and energy. Why not venture out to new places to find new cheese? As humans, it would be easy for us to comprehend the situations but then because of our reactions we kill and exterminate ourselves. Nevertheless, happiness, can move to new directions, change into new forms, we have to look for it, and dig hard for it.

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