The Power to Ask, The Power to Receive

Matthew 7:7-12: Ask, Seek, Knock

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?
10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?
11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

These are the words that god has faithfully promised to us. Nevertheless. . . pray. For He is there to listen to us, He is there to hear us. Everything that you’ve asked for will come true! It is my greatest guarantee to all of you guys. It is simply by asking to God! He promised us that He will provide us with everything that we need!
You might doubt because you did it once, you’ve tried to pray but nothing seems to happen, no one answered, you never found it, you might think that your prayer will never be heard. HA! Think again! He has the ears and heart to listen, He has the hands to do and provide. But what did you do, during the times that you’ve been asking and praying did you not doubt my dear?
The verse that you read above is so powerful, it’s just that you didn’t believe that it is. How can I say that it is so powerful? Below are my own simple reflections about the verse.

  • Ask – This word has a simple meaning, it is to ASK! Just pray heartily! Ask God, just talk to Him. He’s got a more powerful hearing aid that has ever been invented so don’t just whine there and ask to some wall. Kneel down and feel your deepest connection with Him!
  • Seek – Seek for what you’ve been asking for, seek for it every time you do things. Seek the time and place, when and where you want to receive “it”. In this way you’ve subconsciously believed that you will receive what you’ve been asking for. Pray and seek with a great faith of knowing that “it” will come true!
  • Knock – Smile 3 times with joy and anticipation that “it” is already there waiting for you to KNOCK on its door. On your adventure of asking and seeking for the thing that you’ve been praying for, you’ve come across so many doors and one or many of them might lead to “it”, it’s just that you’ve failed to notice “it” or knock on it’s door, it’s either you were afraid because the door or the way looks scary or it’s just that you were too tired and you want it to be automatic. You’ve got to work hard and find it! Knock on every door, for doors are opportunities. There might be a day when you will knock and enter a house where you’ve found “it” sitting there waiting for you to open “it”!

Surprisingly this promise never fails! For he said on the tenth verse that it is a law! A natural law! (Natural Laws -meaning the order which governs the activities of the material universe).  Given to us by our creator and our provider. Just don’t stop Asking, Seeking, and Knocking and through this you have now taken another step in believing that He is always with us!
This is an amazing power that we hold, it’s already here and will never be gone, just use it! By asking God. For He is a father who is everlastingly kind and loving! He promised this to us because He loves us and He wants us to feel His love. He does not ask for anything but our faith and trust in Him. In this way, the universe (God) will conspire with us!

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