The Talk of a Lifetime

     paper-plane    And I quote, “The only thing that stands between you and your dream, is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible” Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I’m Keven Vincent Guanzon, I stand before you with a speech to empower you.

     Once upon an evening sky, we see the moon rising above us and we begin to ponder about our own existence, why are we here and why should we, be here. Perhaps there is more than just who we are.

     Once there was us who wore our ragged clothes playing in the streets acting like kings and queens of the block, once there was us who held toys, dolls, robots and maybe once in our young lives held paper airplanes grasping it, running with it against the wind and in our wild imaginations, we believe that we were the captain.

     Our minds are wanderers, authors, artists, and basically our minds are a whole bunch of dreamers in this world we live in. We look up above and we see that the whole universe is as humongous as our dreams and as vast as the open sea, but yet we see our dreams as unreachable.

    In our minds we are able to manipulate our existence, our direction, and guess what? –our whole lives! That is how great our minds are, and perhaps we are to question on how our minds are able to do this. Ladies, gents? I tell you… we may not know it, we may not see it, but here inside our minds we ask, we ponder, and basically we dream!

    A great man once said, “Cogito, Ergo, Sum” translated as “I think therefore I am”. Rene Descartes clearly said that what he thinks makes him who he is. That his existence is purely significant, that his thoughts, his dreams and aspirations are with him. that he couldn’t doubt it, but only believe in it.

     Once again ladies and gentlemen, let me emphasize this to you, that we all have this power, a power so great that we are able to lead our lives the way we want it to be, and that is the power of dreaming, and when we dream, we should dream right! Whatever we ask for, we get it when we really seek for it! Never be afraid to dream big but when you dream big keep your feet on the ground,

     Just as when Christ said “Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you”. This is the universal truth in our whole existence.

     Focus on your dreams, make this your passion, take it as the driving force in your life, because adversities may strip you down and all you have left will be that fuel, that burning desire to chase the dream.

     Just like when we saw our friends riding a bicycle, as a child we get envious that we wanted to have one too! So we beg our parents to buy one for us. Our excitements fuel our passion.

      And at one point in our lives we feel that life is trying to push us down, we must pull ourselves back up, look back to where we have been, we’ve made it this far to back out. Take a deep moment to pause but never lose sight of the reason why we took this journey, we must keep ourselves inspired by our dreams, and our aspirations.

This is how the nature of living goes to all of us! For we are never alone.

     Pope John the Thirteenth once said “Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.

     I could recall that before we became college students, some of us may have difficulties in choosing the right course. Often times, we ask some of our friends about their choice, they would say, “Ana man gud si Mommy ug Daddy.” Well that choice would make even harder for them to know who they are. This is why dreams are so important. They guide us in our lives. They help us improve our behaviours, because these dreams are the reflection of who we are

     And as I finally close these lines, ladies and gentlemen, always remember to dream, and hold on to it steadfast, be passionate about it, because this is your life’s driving force, this is what you strive up for, this is what makes you significant, and lastly always be inspired about it, because inspiration is what locks everything together, it is what bonds you, your dreams, your passion, and your existence together. For we were once children who dreamt of so many things in our lives and here we are with each other, growing up together in the world we’ve all created.


     Once I was a child holding a paper airplane, running with it, pretending, imagining, and dreaming. And now here I am standing in front of you, holding this little aeroplane to thank each and every one of you for being a part of this amazing journey.


Ladies and gentlemen, Here I am to continue pursuing my passion, to take  the steps towards the runway. Thank you and have a good day!

This is my 6-minute speech, 
trust me I've timed the whole duration of this speech. 
This one is for my final exam of our English class.

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